Stove Servicing

Stove Servicing by Coles for Fires

At the end of each heating season, as well as having your chimney swept, your stove should undergo an annual service which will include stripping, inspecting and cleaning the appliance. This should be carried out for you by a HETAS registered engineer.

Coles For Fires is a registered member of HETAS (Heating Equipment Testing and Approvals Scheme). They are the only specialist organisation approving biomass and solid fuel heating appliances, fuels and services. This also includes the registration of competent installers and servicing businesses.

It is generally a condition of your stove warranty that the appliance is serviced annually. You may also want to check the terms of your home insurance, this can be especially true if you have a home of non-standard construction, such as timber framed or thatched roof.

Stove Servicing

Annual Stove Servicing

An annual stove service will improve the efficiency of the fire and may be needed to maintain the warranty with the manufacturer and with some brands extend it. If you haven’t registered your appliance with the supplier, it may not be too late to do so and can be done on their website.

Call 01536 410 777

Stove Servicing

Below is a breakdown of our stove service procedures:


Coles For Fires can assist with stove servicing across Northamptonshire, including Northampton, Wellingborough and Kettering.

Our stove chimney sweep is £72 and our stove service is £108, £180 in total.

However, we offer a 10% discount if you have a sweep and service performed at the same time bringing the price down to £162.

Coles for Fires
Chimney Sweeping

Coles For Fires can assist with chimney sweeping across Northamptonshire, including Northampton, Wellingborough and Kettering. We are registered members of NACS – The National Association of Chimney Sweeps.